Mit flatbee sparst Du die gesamte provision

Wohnung - Ertag - 5342 - 51 m2  
Dies ist ein Flatbee Plus+ Inserat

Gesamtmiete inkl. Betriebskosten € 2355

Preis-Barometer: +208% teurer als ähnliche Immobilien in gleicher Lage


Top Apartment ---- 2Room


The apartment is located directly on Gonzagagasse, a one-way street just off the Ring road of Vienna city center, within the area of the first Vienna Stock Exchange building (Börse). The street is central yet quiet and easy to access. The apartment is 5 minutes walk away from the Danube canal, where you can take a stroll near the water, experience the diversity of the city with graffiti walls, alternative wine and dines establishments, and access to the boat to Bratislava or up the stream of Danube river. The nearest metro station is Schottenring, a short 3 minutes walk, connects you to metro lines U2 and U4, both allow you access to the center of the city, to attractions such as Prater amusement. At Schottenring station, you will also find tramlines 1, 2, connecting you to the Ring road of the old city with various historical landmarks such as the City hall (Rathaus), the parliament building, the state opera house, etc. and tramline 31 takes you to the other side of the canal. The public transportations nearby the apartment make this accommodation location an ideal starting point to explore the beautiful city of Vienna.


Kontaktmöglichkeiten, Quellen und weitere Informationen sind nur mit Flatbee Plus+ Zugang verfügbar.


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